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Connect and access the job queue#

This example shows how to connect to Granta MI and access the job queue. For more information on creating and interacting with jobs, see the subsequent examples.

Connect to Granta MI#

First, use the ansys.grantami.jobqueue.Connection class to connect to the Granta MI server. The Connection class uses a fluent interface to build the connection, which is always invoked in the following sequence:

  1. Specify the URL for your Granta MI service layer as a parameter to the Connection class.

  2. Specify the authentication method using a Connection.with_*() method.

  3. Use the Connection.connect() method to finalize the connection.

This returns an ansys.grantami.jobqueue.JobQueueApiClient object, which is called client in these examples.

from ansys.grantami.jobqueue import Connection

server_url = "http://my_grantami_server/mi_servicelayer"

If you are running your Python script on Windows, you are generally able to use .with_autologon().

client = Connection(server_url).with_autologon().connect()
<JobQueueApiClient url: http://my_grantami_server/mi_servicelayer>

If the Python script is running on Linux without Kerberos enabled, or you want to use an account other than your logged-in account, you can specify credentials explicitly.

client = Connection(server_url).with_credentials("my_username", "my_password").connect()
<JobQueueApiClient url: http://my_grantami_server/mi_servicelayer>

OIDC and anonymous authentication methods are also available, but they are beyond the scope of this example. For more information, see the PyAnsys OpenAPI-Common documentation.

Access the job queue#

You use the client object to determine the activities that you can perform with the job queue.

f"The current user is an administrator: {client.is_admin_user}"
'The current user is an administrator: True'
f"The current user can write jobs: {client.can_write_job}"
'The current user can write jobs: True'

You can also access information on how the job queue processes jobs.

f"Concurrency enabled: {'Yes' if client.processing_configuration.concurrency else 'No'}"
'Concurrency enabled: Yes'

Finally, you can access the job queue itself. The job queue might be empty if no jobs have been submitted recently.)


Note: The jobs accessible in the queue depend on the user’s role. Standard users can only access their own jobs, whereas administrator users can access jobs created by all users.