.. _ref_getting_started: Getting started ############### .. _ref_software_requirements: Software requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. include:: ../../../README.rst :start-after: readme_software_requirements :end-before: readme_software_requirements_end Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. include:: ../../../README.rst :start-after: readme_installation :end-before: readme_installation_end Verify your installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To verify that you can start the PyGranta JobQueue client from Python, run this code: .. code:: python >>> from ansys.grantami.jobqueue import Connection >>> client = Connection("http://my.server.name/mi_servicelayer").with_autologon().connect() >>> print(client) If you see a response from the server, you have successfully installed PyGranta JobQueue and can start using the JobQueue client. For more examples, see :ref:`ref_grantami_jobqueue_examples`. For comprehensive information on the API, see :ref:`ref_grantami_jobqueue_api_reference`. If you are migrating from the Granta MI Scripting Toolkit AsyncJobs submodule, see :ref:`ref_migration`.